Monday Muse – Masked

I start the second part of my writing course today. For each of my papers we start each day, or week, depending on the paper, with a freehand exercise to get our creative minds and writing flowing. Like the Monday Muse the exercise is designed to get us writing regardless of our inner critic (more... Continue Reading →

Monday Muse – Short and Sweet

First of all - apologies for being late. I was unwell yesterday and unable to think straight let alone write a post that could inspire, prompt or prod you in any direction (let alone the right direction). I am recovering but trying to limit my computer time so as not to aggravate my headache so... Continue Reading →

Monday Muse – Winter Wonderland

Way down under in New Zealand we have been experiencing winter wonderland weather.  Even the fast flowing Shotover River in the South Island has been icing up.  Now that shows you how amazingly cold it is!  Here's a pic of it when it's not iced over. Needless to say, the Shotover Jet is not operating... Continue Reading →

Monday Muse – Reading the Pictures

Hi Everyone, I know I'm a little late with the Monday Muse and I'd like to say it's because I was visited by my very own muse and have spent the day writing...but...I have been doing the next best thing.  Reading! I went to the library this morning and enjoyed flicking through the picture books... Continue Reading →

Monday Muse – Space and Supermoons

Welcome to another Monday Muse. Today's blog is going to be short and sweet. Words cannot describe or define the awesomeness or magnitude of space. I consider myself lucky that on a clear night I can step outside, look up at the sky and immediately be awed by the sheer number of stars that fill the sky.... Continue Reading →

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